College Memories, Confession and lots of fun.


A place where dream come true

    All set to go. You are excited to meet new world, new people. You have plans for kick start of your dream life. Family members are happy for your future but quite frighten; fear of new people, new place, ragging, hilarious mess food and living style.
Wait a second! Don’t panic.

Let me tell you five most important thing
to do after joining college

Dress Up

‘First impression is the last impression and it never goes wrong.’ Your dressing sense will make an impact on colleagues, professors and seniors. So be ready to be good horse instead of label of cool dude.


Making new friends is good habit but sometimes it’s too early to be very friendly. They can be good in beginning but later they might be worst person for you.

Be the first

Confidence is key of your better life in college. People around you will give you tough competition from the first day, so be confident stand first by eliminating problems.

College Activities

Participation in activities make you stronger in decision making, personality and learning. Also it will help you to shine in college days.

Judge The right Track

College life is honeymoon time for student but it also hundreds of student mislead in freedom of college life. JUDGE your decision before losing anything. Learn from mistakes and make your college life beautiful, memorable and remarkable.

                                            Happy College days.

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